*camera fades in to a girl with bright blush green hair and light yellow bangs, and a girl with firey red hair sitting in chairs on what appears to be a talk show set*
Me: Hello! I’m Eyo and welcome back to my little interview/survey! Here we ask questions and explore into the minds of some of the characters which exist in the Kuroitenshi saga! Today, with us, we have the very own star of the series, Eyodius Belladonna!
Eyo: Hello
Me: Welcome to the show!
Eyo: Thank you, it’s a pleasure to be here
Me: Nah, the pleasure’s all mine! So, how does it feel to be the lead character in this story?
Eyo: *shrugs* It’s alright. It’s got it’s peaks and valleys
Me: Like what?
Eyo: Well it’s nice because everyone likes having their story told, but not only does it show your life, it also shows you at your worst, and no one likes having that exposed
Me: Ah, I see
Eyo: Yeah
Me: Well, anyways, let’s start off with some basic questions
What is your Full Name?
Eyodius Crystal Belladonna
Your Nickname?
Eyo, like yours is
Me: Well, actually, I got my nickname from you
Eyo: oh?
Me: Yeah.. You’re actually a character I made a few years ago, based off of myself, but not exactly. A while ago, I wrote a story about something that happened to me and put you in as the main character. A few of my friends read the story and recognized where I got the inspiration from, and jokingly called me “Eyo” for the fun of it. I then started using it online, and got so used to people referring to me by the name, so I just ended up telling everyone to call me Eyo
Eyo: Well, I’m very flattered that you like my name enough to adopt it as your own
Me: It’s a pretty name! At first, I wanted to be known as Eyodius, however, that name is way too exotic for me, and not to mention that everyone pronounced it wrong (“E-yo-dius” instead of “E-yah-dius”), so I just went with Eyo.. and I think it fits me better..
Eyo: Yes, the mispronunciation of my name can become rather annoying at times..
Me: Yeah...
What is your Nationality/Race?
Dark Angel
How old are you?
Around 1300. It’s been so long that I can’t figure an exact number
When is your birthday?
August 3rd
When are you introduced into the Kuroitenshi story?
At the very beginning
Me: Okay, next, we’ll go into a little more detail…
Where were you born?
I truly cannot say I remember...
Tell us about your parents.
My mother was an angel and my father is the God of Death
Me: Okay, now explain this whole angel thing to me
Eyo: *blinks* But you’re the creator? Shouldn’t you know all this stuff?
Me: yeah, but just humour me.. it’s for the audience ^^;;
Eyo: Oh, alright.. *ahem* When a god and some type of magical being get together and have a child, sometimes an angel will be born (it’s rather rare, actually). There are 13 different types of angels: war, shadow, chaos, heavenly, daemon, virtue, love, death, half, black-tipped, common, star/spirit, and dark angel.
Me: and you’re a dark angel, right? Explain that for our audience
Eyo: Well, basically, when a god and a magical being of opposite powers have an angel, the result is a dark angel. My mother was an angel borne from some sort of daemon and the goddess of life, and my father is the god of death, so I ended up as a dark angel. For more information on angels, click here
Do you have any siblings?
I have hundreds of half brothers and sisters on my father’s side, obviously, and I also have a half sister named Autumn on my mother’s side. She’s very cute ^^
Hair and Eye Colour?
Reddish orange hair and violet eyes
Do you have a significant other?
Not at the present moment
What is your favourite colour?
Purple, black, and gold
Do you have any scars or tattoos?
Actually, I receive three tattoos throughout the course of the Kuroitenshi saga: Through the Dark Council arc, I have the tattoo of the Dark Council on my thigh, through the Mercenary and Quest arc, I have chain tattoo on my arm, which is my curse,
Me: curse?
Eyo: Yes, I have a curse that seals me into my weaker, human form, and prohibits me from baring children
Me: That’s horrible! How did you get that??
Eyo: It’s a long story ^^;;
Me: Anyways, as you were saying..
Eyo: Yes.. And then I gain what is considered an “angel mark:” a tattoo or marking that appears on certain angels when they get to a certain age. The dark angel’s mark is two small dots below the corner of the left eye
Do you wear jewelry?
Let’s see.. I wear a bit of jewelry, actually: I have earrings, usually gold hoops, an ear cuff, a gold armband on both my arms(one to cover my chain tattoo), bracelets, rings, and sometimes a choker
What do you wear during the day?
Most of the time, a shirt and pants or skirt, nothing special, and other times I’ll wear a dress. When I become a mercenary during the mercenary arc (bet you didn’t see that coming), I’m often seen wearing some sort of Chinese dress
What do you wear at night?
A light tank top and a comfy pair of boxers
And of course, we have to ask: Boxers or Briefs?
During the day, I wear panties, and during the night, I wear boxers. Thongs are scary ;p
Me: And now we move onto some not really important, but interesting none the less questions!
Eyo: *nods* alright
What are some of your pet Peeves?
When people ignore me when I have something important to say, because a lot of times, it’s something having to do with saving their asses; And cocky guys, Raalu, and when people bug me about stuff just because I’m an angel
Do you have any fighting abilities?
I fight with a staff, later a scythe, and I know how to use smaller weapons such as daggers or chained blades. I also use a wide variety of almost all types of magic, mostly elemental
What Education and Training have you received?
I learn most of my education from a shadow angel I was sent to live with when I was young, and received the rest of it, as well as magical training, at the Dark Council
Do you have any allergies?
I get sick when I eat pickles
Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs?
I used to do all three, but I only drink occasionally now
What are your hobbies?
Drawing, reading, fighting, hanging out with friends, and listening to music
What religion are you?
I’m very neutral on that subject, though, for some reason, I am thoroughly amused by the different ways people take religion and twist it to their likings
What’s your favourite flower?
Tiger lilies
Favorite Book?
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
What type of sports do you like?
What’s your favorite type of music?
Anything, really.. If I like the song, I like it
What is your favourite instrument?
Clarinets or electric guitars
What is your favorite possession and why?
My adopted son Kaoru, and my staff/scythe. During the Dark Council, I only have a silver staff with a red diamond sphere on it, but after the Council, Georgette has it altered to a magically retractable scythe: Basically, it retains its staff features, but when I activate the scythe mode, a scythe will shoot out of the diamond. The metal’s solid and sharp, but it’s based on the principals of magic, so it is more than just a mundane weapon when fighting enemies
What is your favorite kind of entertainment?
Live music concerts! I love to get into the soul of the music!
Your favorite cartoon?
Old Warner Brothers
Favorite Restaurant?
There’s this great steak house just a little whiles away from my house that I always go to
Favorite Foods?
What foods do you dislike?
I like basically every type of food except for seafood and liver. I can’t stand the textures
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Water. Nothing beats water
Favourite alcoholic drink?
Sake ^_^
Favorite Season?
Favourite Holiday?
Halloween! I love candy ^^
Do you send Christmas Cards?
No, they’re annoying
Do you remember Birthdays?
Moooooooost of the time ^^;;;
What time do you usually go to bed?
It can be anywhere from around midnight to three in the morning, but if I need to wake early, I just go to bed at midnight
What time do you usually wake up?
Sometime between six and seven. And I can’t even sleep late when I’m at home, because I have a house to run with so many people in it!
Me: How many people live there?
Eyo: Seven at the moment
Me: Wow
Eyo: Yeah, it’s a big house. Let’s see, there’s myself, Yasashii, Kaoru, Subo, Kouri, Sakura, and Violet.. Poor Kaoru and Subo, they’re the only guys in the house ^^
Me: Heh, poor guys. Why so many people?
Eyo: I love a big family! The more people, the better!
Me: Well, anyways, now we get into the more personal questions. Just remember that you don’t have to answer any of these questions if you don’t want to.
Eyo: *casually waves her hand* No, it’s fine. I like doing these
Me: Okay, just making sure
What is your opinion on love and marriage?
I think two people truly love each other, then they should get married if they choose to. The worst thing is to engage in a marriage that you know will not work... I should know
Me: You were in a bad marriage?
Eyo: Yeah. We were together for a little while, and even had a child together, but he ended up cheating on me, and we broke it off
Me: How sad.. What happened to the kid?
Eyo: He’s dead...
Me: What?! I’m so sorry!
Eyo: It’s alright
Me: How did he die?
Eyo: I’d rather not explain...
Me: Don’t worry, you don’t have to
How did you lose your virginity?
*blush* I was a good girl! I lost my virginity on my honeymoon with my ex, Reiji
What do you consider you driving forces?
My family. Everything I do, even though I might not always admit it, is so I can give them the best of everything
What do you consider your ideal man/woman to be?
Well, for both a man and woman, I’d want them to incredibly sexy, laid back, smart, and strong willed. And they also have to have a great sense of humour and like doing crazy shit. I like women to be shorter than me and men to be taller than me, but besides that, there’s not much difference in my preference to either sex
What makes you happy?
Being with friends and family, music, dancing, and the sun
What makes you sad?
When people I love get hurt
What makes you angry?
Same as the previous question.. If you mess with someone I care about, you mess with me, and I’ll mess you up
How do you control your anger?
I usually just let things slide, but if it’s kept up, I’ll hit people... Or yell at them... or both.. ^^;;;
What are you ashamed of?
... starting the war
Me: What?!
Eyo: Those bastards killed my baby.. and I killed them all.. and then I ended up killing so many more...
Me: Oh.... I won’t ask you to elaborate if you don’t want to...
Eyo: *nods* Thank you
What are you proud of?
My fighting ability. I think I’m pretty good..
Do you have any special talents?
Fighting, drawing, sex
What is your favorite memory?
There are so many, that I can’t even pick one!
What is your least favorite memory?
The war and anything involved with it
When was the last time that you cried?
I truly can’t recall
Did you ever do anything on a dare?
Many, many things *smiles, remembering*
What would you do over if you could?
I would have kept a better eye on Korei.. If I had, then none of those horrible things in my life would have happened
Me: Who’s Korei?
Eyo: My son with Reiji
Me: Oh... Was he cute?
Eyo: *smiles* Yes, very... and very powerful as well!
Me: ^_^
Do you have a secret and why is it kept that way?
In the words of a friend “sore wa himitsu desu!”
What makes you envious?
I hate to admit it, but when someone spends wayyyyyy too much attention to someone else and practically ignores me. I hate it! *folds her arms*
What do you regret?
A lot of things... but I know that you can’t change the past, so there’s no excuse to dwell on it
What do you have a passion for?
Music, dancing, and sharp, pointy, shiny things that can kill people *grin*
Me: ^.^;;;;;
What do you dream about the most?
My friends, family, symbols...
Me: What type of symbols?
Eyo: Nothing specific. Just stuff like if something bad is going to happen, I’ll dream of a snake biting me, or something similar.
Me: that’s cool
What do you fantasize about?
*sly smirks* do you really want me to tell you?
Me: Ummmmmmmmmm, by the look on your face, I’m guessing ‘no’
Eyo: *shrugs* It would have never gone through the censors anyways
Me: Sick-minded people! All of you!
Eyo: *giggles* It’s a sick-minded question!
Me: hmmm, prolly should get rid of it...
Eyo: Aww, but then you won’t get all these fun responses!
Me: *sticks her tongue out* Poo-head
Eyo: *giggles*
What really tries your patience?
Thick headed people
What gives you pleasure?
Me: mooooooooving on..
Eyo: *giggles some more*
Where do you go for peace and quiet?
My room
How do you relax?
I listen to music and read or sleep, and I watch tv sometimes
What do you do for excitement?
I usually go out clubbing or to a restaurant with a few friends. I get enough excitement being around those freaks at the house or while I’m on the job
What embarrasses you?
Depends on the circumstances
What would you consider a perfect date?
Mmmm, a romantic candle-lit dinner, just the two of us, then slow dance for the rest of the night... or until something else happens ^^;
What kind of temperament do you have?
I can be pretty evil when you get down to it sometimes, but that doesn’t happen often.. Otherwise, I can have a pretty short temper or let everything slide.. It really depends on my mood
What is your opinion of yourself?
I’m... okay.... I’ve got my good side and my bad side as well...
Do you have any enemies? Why?
Since I was in the Dark Council, Dragon Council members are, and I’ve also managed to build a large number of enemies during my time as a mercenary
What are you compulsive about?
Well... anything really... I can change moods and wants and impulses in the flick of a second!
What are you lax about?
Basically everything, unless you insult my family
What do you absolutely hate to do?
Anything that’s against my morals, fighting trolls, and going on really boring assignments or ones where I REALLY hate the client.. Those are always annoying >_<
Are you always honest with others?
Most of the time...
Are you always honest with yourself?
More than likely less than what I would like to think
What is your admitted worse habit?
I am pretty dense at times ^^;;;;;
What is your best character trait?
I’m a pretty understanding person. I don’t like the thought of myself looking at something with only one view point, because that’s a narrow field of judgment to make, so I like to try to see things from every viewpoint.
Who influenced you most in your life?
My father and Kenkatsu, the leader of the Dark Council when I was apart of it
How do you feel about money?
I, personally, don’t care too much for money, but I like to have it because then I can buy stuff for people, like a new computer, or a school tuition
Where are you vulnerable?
*smirks* you probably don’t get many responses for this question either, do you?
Me: Heh, not really..
Eyo: Don’t worry, I’ll humour you. ^^ If I had to pick a weakness, I’d have to say my family.. I’m pretty powerful on my own, and much more powerful than members of my family, but a lot of people I face are way more powerful than I am. Think of how horrible it would be if one of them were to find out where I lived! They wouldn’t stand a chance!
What do you remember most about your childhood?
My half sister and caretaker, Atropa.
What motto or phrase that you live by?
Hmmm, that’s a toughie... It’d have to be “Life’s a bitch: Get over it and move on,” “Live everyday as if it were you last,” and “There’s nothing that a little chocolate sauce can’t help.”
What attracts you most to the person you are attracted to?
I’m not with anyone right now
Tell me about the day in your life that you will never forget?
The day Korei died...
Me: And now we’re down to our last set of questions.
Eyo: Alright
Me: We’re going to take a few quick questions about your life, and then we’re done!
Eyo: Ask away
What are you ambitions in life?
To have some importance in the world, and to have fun in the process! If people say that life is like a rollercoaster, you might as well enjoy the ride!
What are your values?
Love, life, and family
What are your Short-term Goals?
To make enough money to manage my family and house
Any long-term Goals?
To take care of my family, and hopefully, someday, get rid of this curse I carry
Me: Well, that’s it!
Eyo: We’re done?
Me: Yep!
Eyo: That didn’t take very long at all
Me: Naw, These things go by quickly!
Eyo: Well, it was fun
Me: Yeah, I had fun too! You’re a very interesting person, Eyodius!
Eyo: *blush* thank you.
Me: it was very much a pleasure having you on the show! *shakes Eyo’s hand*
Eyo: *shakes hers* And I enjoyed being on it as well. If you ever want to do something together, just give me a ring
Me: Heh, alright *turns to the camera* Well, that’s our show for today! Till next time, I’m Eyo, and goodnight!
*camera fades to black and credits roll*
And now, pictures! YAY! ^_^
A pic of Eyo I drew and coloured for a computer class last year
A quick pen sketch of Eyo showing off her tattoo
Eyo's son Korei! Don't you just wanna glomp him?! ^___^
The group of angels Eyo works with during the Quest arc
The angel group chibified! ^__^
Eyodius wearing nothing but an open shirt! Horray! Inspired by the sexy chick from Red Dragon ^.^
*New!*A quick sketch in my ongoing attempt to draw motion
*New!*LOOK HERE NOW! Isn't it GORGEOUS? *_* My friend Loreli and I swapped characters for a pic exchange! I ADORE her's! Here's mine of Loreli if you want to see!
*New!*Fan art from Loreli of out main characters!
*New!*More fan art from Lore! I love the hair on this one! *_*
More pictures to come! ^_^
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