*camera fades in to a girl with bright blush green hair and light yellow bangs, and a man with short blood red hair sitting in chairs on what appears to be a talk show set*
Me: Hello! I’m Eyo and welcome back to my little interview/survey! Here we ask questions and explore into the minds of some of the characters which exist in the Kuroitenshi saga! Today, with us, we have Ande… Ande!
Ande: most of your characters don’t have last names, so you don’t even have to bother.. *Turns and waves to the audience. Winks at a few screaming fan girls and makes ‘call me’ gestures at them*
Me: *sweatdrop* well, Ande, are you ready to be interviewed?
Ande: *turns back* Sure! Fire away!
Me: I will ask the questions in italic, while you answer in normal text
Ande: Okay
Me: Alright, we’ll first start off with the basics:
What is your Full Name?
*thinks* I had a last name a long time ago, but I forgot it. Everybody just calls me by my first name, Ande
Your Nickname?
Don’t got one
What is your Nationality/Race?
War Angel
How old are you?
I dunno, was a long time ago..
When is your birthday?
April 16
When are you introduced into the Kuroitenshi story?
Near the very end of the Mercenary arc for a chapter, then I come back in the Quest arc as part of the angel group send to retrieve some magical stones for the gods
Me: Now there are 4 different arc, am I right?
Ande: yes: The Dark Councel arc, The Mercenary arc, The Quest arc, and the Aftermath arc.... you really need to come up with better titles..
Me: yeah, I know
Ande: cause those ones really suck...
Me: Yes, I'm aware I'm horrible at titles
Ande: and that's an understatement for all of you at home
Ande: ^_^
Me: Moving on.. Next, we’ll go into a little more detail…
Where were you born?
Somewhere near the Mouriian desert
Tell us about your parents.
My mom was a hanyou who was a soldier at a time when women couldn’t be warriors, and my old man is the God of War
Hair and Eye Colour?
Red hair and gold eyes
Do you have a significant other?
Well, I have 4 actually… (Me: ^.^;;;) There’s Monica, she’s a youkai, Jessica, who’s a dark elf, Brianna, who’s a human, and then there’s Eyo, who still refuses to go out with me, but we fuck anyway.
What is your favourite colour?
Red and gold! And they just happen to be my colours too, literally! ^_^
Do you have any scars or tattoos?
Well, not in this form, but in my natural form--
Me: natural form?
Ande: You see, angels have two forms that they can exist in: their natural angel form, and a weaker, human form. Even though it’s less power, angels like to keep themselves low key, so we just stay in our human forms most of the time.
Me: Ah. Anyway, back to the question. In my natural angel form, I have two long stripes that run down my cheeks from under my eyes. It’s a proud sign of age among war angels: The longer the tattoos, the longer you’ve lived! Most angels have some kind of marking to tell how old they are..
Do you wear jewelry?
I wear an iron cross necklace that my mom gave me when I was little
What do you wear during the day?
A tank top and comfortable pants. Can’t travel around much if you’re not comfortable!
What do you wear at night?
Wouldn’t you like to know ;)
Are you Passive, Assertive, or Aggressive?
Depends on what the situation is, and who I’m with.
And of course, we have to ask: Boxers or Briefs?
*smirks* depends on my mood
Me: And now we move onto some not really important, but interesting none the less questions!
Ande: um… okay..
What are some of your pet Peeves?
I hate cocky guys who think they can take on the world. Sorry, but you guys aren’t that great
What Education and Training have you received?
Lot’s of places. I’ve had MANY different sword and weapons teachers. And as for actual school education.. hmm, I’d have to say here and there. I’m not very good at math, but at least I can read!
Do you have any allergies?
Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs?
I used to smoke, but one of my old girlfriends hated it, so I quit. I drink sometimes… okay a lot, but not so much that I black out… very often… But I don’t do drugs, they’re stupid and they mess up your head.
What are your hobbies?
Sex, fighting, sparing, partying, going to see how old friends are doing; just stuff
What religion are you?
Um… If your part of the religion, does that make you religious? My dad is the god of war, you know
What’s your favourite flower?
Hmm.. *thinks* I’d have to say white or red roses. It’s cliché, but who gives a shit?
Favorite Book?
Hey, I can read, but who ever said I liked to?
What type of sports do you like?
What’s your favorite type of music?
Basically anything I like. I don’t really have a preference
What is your favourite instrument?
I like the sound of the guitar, but I still need to learn to play
What is your favorite possession and why?
My iron cross necklace; it used to be my mom’s. She gave it to me when I was a little kid, and it always reminds me of her.
What is your favorite kind of entertainment?
*smirks* I don’t think I can say it in front of an audience…
Your favorite cartoon?
Old Hanna Barbara cartoons
Favorite Restaurant?
This little place just outside of Phish village in the south of Jordin
Favorite Foods?
Spicy stuff
What foods do you dislike?
Really mild food that is actually supposed to be spicy. Like sausage: it’s supposed to be spicy and good, but now most people make it very mild for people who don’t like spice. Don’t change something if it’s already good!
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Water. Always good for when you need something to drink
Favourite alcoholic drink?
Ale. Most people think I like beer, I’m not really a beer person
Favorite Season?
Summer and fall. I love the summer because it’s warm and I love the colours in the fall. Lots of reds!
Favourite Holiday?
I’m not really sure on that one.. Maybe the autumn harvest; I love corn!
Do you send Christmas Cards?
Do you remember Birthdays?
Yeah, I have a great memory!
What time do you usually go to bed?
Around midnight or 1 in the morning
What time do you usually wake up?
Anywhere from 6 to 11 AM, depending on what I’m doing that day.
Me: And now we get into the more personal questions. Just remember that you don’t have to answer any of these questions if you don’t want to.
Ande: Nah, I’m fine. Ask away!
What is your opinion on love and marriage?
I think it’s fun to play around and be with as many people as you like, but we all eventually have to settle down with one person… Though, when I mean “settle down” I mean, no more seeing other people, but you can still go out and have fun doing other things!
How did you lose your virginity?
Heheheheh….. ^^;;;;;;
What do you consider you driving forces?
The need to fight, win, and make love *cheesy grin*
What do you consider your ideal man/woman to be?
Hmmmmm, I’d have to say tall, leggy, have lots of sexy curves, beautiful soft hair, and even softer lips! Very sweet and sensitive, but can still kick your ass when you need it! And she has to be great in bed!!
What makes you happy?
Many things: it can be anywhere from sex and partying, to the feeling of the warm sun on your skin on nice day.
What makes you sad?
I don’t hate people, but I don’t get very close to many. However, when I do, I get pretty attached, so it can be pretty damn horrible for me if I loose someone I care for.
What makes you angry?
If the person I lost was murdered
How do you control your anger?
Well, I either restrain myself and walk/drink it off, or I just severely injure them if they piss me off enough.
What are you ashamed of?
My bloodlust.. I love to fight and all, but really don’t like taking lives for things like the simple sake of war. However, since I’m a war angel, I naturally have an urge to fight and win, even if the consequences involve killing. My mom taught me otherwise. She too, fought in wars, but she did it to bring an end to them and help people. That’s why I’m so different from my siblings, who don’t really care about who dies, as long as they win.
What are you proud of?
My fighting ability and my mastered skills in bed *grin*
Do you have any special talents?
Sex and Fighting
What is your favorite memory?
I don’t know, I have so many!
What is your least favorite memory?
There’s too many to count….
When was the last time that you cried?
A long time ago, when my lover, Cassandra, was killed because some daemon hunter thought she would make a good trophy…….. *becomes very quiet*
Me: Are you alright?
Ande: *rubs his eye* yeah, I’m fine. Continue.
Did you ever do anything on a dare?
Many things
What would you do over if you could?
Nothing, I like the way I’ve lead my life
Do you have a secret and why is it kept that way?
Hey, If I told you, then it wouldn’t be a secret, now would it? *shakes his finger*
What makes you envious?
When some bullshit asshole tries to win over one of my girlfriends! And they actually let him go on with it! As if he were as good or better than me!! I think they just want the attention *folds his arms* They better!
What do you regret?
It’s not good to just sit around and worry about things you did or didn’t do! Learn from your mistakes and live in the here and now!
What do you have a passion for?
Fighting, sex, music, partying, fun
What do you dream about the most?
I don’t remember much about my dreams
What do you fantasize about?
*arcs an eyebrow* are you trying to suggest something?
What really tries your patience?
Slow-minded people, Eyo, idiots, jocks, the endless, mindless questions of this survey…
Me: ^.^;;
What gives you pleasure?
*grins* Welllllll, If you really must ask… *opens his mouth to say something*
Ande: *smirks*
Where do you go for peace and quiet?
I find a nice shady spot under a tree somewhere on the outskirts of some small village or town.
How do you relax?
Sleep. I like sleep.
What do you do for excitement?
Party, sex, fight
What embarrasses you?
Why do you ask?
What would you consider a perfect date?
I’d have to say a romantic candle-lit dinner, home made, with wine and good music, a bit of slow dancing, then a night of hot, wild, passionate *THIS EXCERPT HAS BEEN REMOVED DUE TO IT'S HIGHLY GRAPHIC CONTENT WHICH IS UNSUITABLE FOR THE NATURE OF THIS PROGRAM*
Me: *comes back a few minutes later after a nice cold shower* Okay, shall we continue?
Ande: *by now has over half the studio audience’s phone numbers*grins* we shall.
What kind of temperament do you have?
I’m pretty coolheaded when it comes to most situations. I don’t get mad that often.. Annoyed sometimes, but rarely mad
What is your opinion of yourself?
I think I’m a pretty okay guy!
Do you have any enemies? Why?
Yes; I’m a war angel. I naturally have enemies because of it.
What are you compulsive about?
sex and fighting
What are you lax about?
Most everything, unless the situation calls for otherwise
What do you absolutely hate to do?
Physically harming someone I care about to get them to stop doing something they really shouldn’t be doing
Are you always honest with others?
Umm… most of the time
Are you always honest with yourself?
Prooobably not as much as the last question ^^;;
What is your admitted worse habit?
Well, I’m kind of a sex fiend..
What is your best character trait?
That I’m incredibly sexy! Lol, nah, I think my best trait would be that I care more about people than most of my brothers and sisters would even consider doing
Who influenced you most in your life?
My mom and dad
How do you feel about money?
It’s nice to have sometimes-- like when you’re paying off debts-- but besides that, I don’t really care too much for it
Where are you vulnerable?
Why do you need to know that? Though I must admit, I am kind of ticklish on my ribcage…
What do you remember most about your childhood?
My mom
What motto or phrase that you live by?
You only live once!
What attracts you most to the person you are attracted to?
Well, first of all, Monica is incredibly sweet and kind, but still has enough of a backbone to step back and say “hey, wait a minute, I’m not for that” whenever there’s something she doesn’t like. And Jessica is so playful and fun to be around! Whenever I’m with her, I can forget everything around me and just be with her! Brianna is very beautiful and elegant and a very strong and powerful woman! When she wants something, she the skills to go out and get it! She’s also a very very kind person…. As for Eyo… I’m not sure about her.. She’s very charismatic and bold. I like a woman who can easily stand her ground when in a confrontation; strong women turn me on *grin*. Not to mention she’s sexy as hell when angry! And even those she seems like a total bitch when you first meet her, she really is a nice girl..
Tell me about the day in your life that you will never forget?
You keep asking me about single moments in my life, but there’s too many to account!
Me: And now we’re down to our last set of questions.
Ande: Yes!
Me: Oi oi, it wasn’t that bad! *coughs* Ahem, now… let’s take a few quick questions about your life, and then we’re done!
Ande: Fire away!
What are you ambitions in life?
To have fun and keep my life interesting!
What are your values?
Love, fun, and trust
What are your Short-term Goals?
To live and have fun
Long-term Goals?
Ditto.. hm… probably should think of some, to give my life actual purpose or something... *muses*
Me: And that’s that! See, Ande, that wasn’t so bad!
Ande: it was pretty damn long, I’ll give you that!
Me: yeah yeah, but we still learned a bit about you!
Ande: True enough.. Well, maybe we can get together another time! ^_^ …but not with the interview thing…
Me: *giggles* Alright. And thank you for joining us today. It was a pleasure having you on the show. *shakes his hand*
Ande: No problem! *shakes her hand*
Me: Well, that’s our show for today! Till next time, I’m Eyo, and goodnight!
Ande: *blinks* you’re not Eyodius…
Me: It’s my nickname too
Ande: oh
Me: ^^;;
*camera fades to black and credits roll*
And now, pictures! YAY! ^_^
The angel group with Ande on the far left
Chibi angel group! Ande in drag! Yay!
Eyo, Ande, and Erin! ^.^
Sexy Raalu and Ande! With badly drawn feet!
Lookie!! Sean drew me fan art of Ande in angel form!!! It's SO COOL!! *_*
I felt the need to colour Sean's picture. It just screamed to be coloured!
A nice sketch of Ande ^.^ I don't know what he's thinking with that pose though..
*New!*Ande in drag again! Wheee! I'm getting much better at drawing bodies *_*
More pictures to come! ^_^
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