*camera fades in to a girl with bright blush green hair and light yellow bangs, and a lean-cut man with long cyan hair tied back into a loose ponytail sitting in chairs on what appears to be a talk show set*
Me: Hello! I’m Eyo and welcome back to my little interview/survey! Here we ask questions and explore into the minds of some of the characters which exist in the Kuroitenshi saga! Today, with us, we have the leader of the Dark Council, Kenkatsu!
Kenkatsu: Hello *waves to the audience. A few people let out fan girlish screams, which seems to somewhat disturb him by the suddenness of them* o.o;;;
Me: ^^;;; Well, um, anyways, welcome to the show Kenkatsu!
Kenkatsu: *nods his head* Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here
*girls start screaming*
Kenkatsu: o.o;;;
Me: well, some people are happy to see you.
Kenkatsu: yes, they do seem rather pleased… ^^;;;
*more screaming*
Me: uhhhhhhh… do you want them to be removed?
Kenkatsu: no, that’s fine
Kenkatsu: *winces* Maybe later…
Me: *winces as well* motions off camera then smiles* Anyways, Shall we start?
Kenkatsu: Of course
Me: will ask the questions in italic, while you answer in normal text
Kenkatsu: Alright
Me: Okay, we’ll first start off with the basics:
What is your Full Name?
Karin Kenkatsu, or Kenkatsu Karin, depending on how your culture arranges names
Your Nickname?
My closets friends call my Ken
What is your Nationality/Race?
How old are you?
Tsk tsk, it’s not polite to ask a woman her age
Me: …. But you’re a guy… unless you’re not telling me something…
Kenkatsu: No, I’m a guy. *puts a hand on his pants* Do you want me to prove myself?
*girls scream*
Me: No, no, that’s fine! Really! ^^;;
Kenkatsu: Oh, alright….. I’m still not going to tell you my age, though..
Me: That’s all you had to say ^^;;;;;;;
When is your birthday?
November 30th
When are you introduced into the Kuroitenshi story?
Near the beginning of the Dark Council arc, but I’m not properly introduced until later
Me: Okay, next, we’ll go into a little more detail…
Where were you born?
Within the humble village of Vern. It’s very beautiful. I make sure to visit there at least once a year. ^_^
Tell us about your parents.
I don’t remember much about my father, but my mother was very beautiful and kind. I loved her dearly.
Do you have any siblings?
No, I was an only child
Hair and Eye Colour?
Cyan hair and mint green eyes. And some people say that my eyes turn gold when I’m angry, but I’ve never looked in a mirror during then
Do you have a significant other?
Not exactly… I went out with Eyodius for about a year, however, we had to call it off: People thought that she was trying to sleep with me so I could make her higher in rank! That’s a horrible assumption to make, just because I’m the leader! Eyodius would never sink to that level, and if she did, I wouldn’t stand for it at all! We didn’t want to horribly scar her reputation, so we had to stop seeing each other.. I wish we didn’t… I’m still in love with her… You know, it’s hell going through the day, seeing her, and thinking about her, and knowing full well that you can’t be together… I hope she feels the same... And I hope this damned rumor can finally die so we can be together in peace...
What is your favourite colour?
Blues and reds and greens
Do you have any scars or tattoos?
I have the tattoo of the Dark Council on my thigh,
Me: Like the Dragon Council?
Kenkatsu: Yes, but not quite: The Dragon Council’s tattoo proves that you are apart of that group. The Dark Council’s tattoo also shows rank.
Me: how so?
Kenkatsu: The Dark Council tattoo looks basically like a stem with many small leaves attached to it.
Me: *quizzical look* Why a plant? Wouldn’t the Council want to have a more ominous symbol, or something that better represents it?
Kenkatsu: Yes, that would seem logical, however, not many had a say in what went into the design. You see, the founder of the Council was a plant youkai, and despite many suggestions against it from his followers, he ordered for a plant-like tattoo that showed rank. He was tyrant and no one would go up against his word So they came up with the leaf motif.
Me: how does it show rank?
Kenkatsu: there are three “leaves” on the top that show the main ranking, 10 “leaves” on each side reveal the sub rankings, and there are also three “leaves” on the bottom, which appear if someone gets suspended from the Council for any period of time, also known as “strikes.” Three “strikes,” and your out.
Me: And you have all of them filled, because you’re the leader? Well, cept for the “strikes,” ne?
Kenkatsu: *uneasy laugh* Heheheh… ^^;; Actually, I have two strikes…
Me: Oh? How did you manage those?
Kenkatsu: I’ll tell you later ^^;;;;
Me: um.. ‘kay…. So do you have any other tattoos besides the Dark Council one?
Kenkatsu: Yes, actually, but only my former lovers know what and where it is ^_^
Do you wear jewelry?
I have two hoop earrings in each ear, bracelets, and if I remember, I also wear a black leather choker with some kind of silver charm on it. I don’t wear the same charm everyday
What do you wear during the day?
I like to wear tank tops and a comfortable pair of jeans.
What do you wear at night?
Clown shoes
Me: O.o;; eh?
Kenkatsu: No, actually I sleep in the nude
Me: *blush* oh.. ^^;;;;;
And of course, we have to ask: Boxers or Briefs?
Me: And now we move onto some not really important, but interesting none the less questions!
Kenkatsu: You know, I’ve noticed that those fan girls haven’t been causing a fuss.. *looks around* … oh…
*camera pans across the audience; a good chunk of the members have been tied up and gagged*
Me: ^^;;; Anyway...
What are some of your pet Peeves?
When you have to explain something to someone a dozen times before they actually get it
Do you have any fighting abilities?
I’m good at sword fighting, archery, and a wide variety of offensive and defensive magic
What Education and Training have you received?
I received relatively little school training; I mostly taught myself. And as for fighting, I took many classes that the Dark Council was offering at the time of my arrival, however I never really paid attention to much of them ^^;;
Do you have any allergies?
I don’t know, nothing has ever come up
Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs?
I drink, but I don’t do the latter two
What are your hobbies?
Reading, sketching, dancing, archery, and every once in a while, sparring
What religion are you?
In a way, yes, I guess I am over all religious. I’ve met two of them of them, and at least those ones are pleasant. I more tend to follow the major gods than the lesser gods
What’s your favourite flower?
Favorite Book?
The Necromancer. It’s about the book of the dead, obviously, and it’s enchanter
What type of sports do you like?
What’s your favorite type of music?
Anything with good lyrics and beat
What is your favourite instrument?
I love string instruments; Anywhere from violins to guitars
What is your favorite possession and why?
Hmmm, I don’t really think I have once, since I’m not very materialistic… *thinks* but If I had to pick something, I’d have to say Eyo ^_^
Me: *smiles* That’s so sweet! However, I thought you said you weren’t going out with her…
Kenkatsu: Bah-humbug to that little detail >P
What is your favorite kind of entertainment?
Theater... I’m not too big on operas and such, but I love plays and stories with an exciting story and colours!
Your favorite cartoon?
Marvin the Martian
Favorite Restaurant?
The Star Lodge Inn in Vern. You should go there sometime
Favorite Foods?
Latin dishes.
What foods do you dislike?
Squid *grimaces*
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Black cherry-flavoured water
Favourite alcoholic drink?
Red wine. And sometimes I like white wine or Champaign
Favorite Season?
Summer or winter
Favourite Holiday?
Christmas or Halloween
Do you send Christmas Cards?
Absolutely not
Do you remember Birthdays?
Most of them. I’m not very good at remembering birthdays if I have just met the person, but if I’ve known them for some while, of course I will remember their birthday!
What time do you usually go to bed?
What time do you usually wake up?
Between 6 and 7:30 in the morning
Me: And now we get into the more personal questions. Just remember that you don’t have to answer any of these questions if you don’t want to.
Kenkatsu: It’s alright. You not need worry about that
Me: alright…
What is your opinion on love and marriage?
I think marriage is a beautiful bond between two people! I myself would love to get married one day, if I find the right person! Some people say marriage is just a piece of paper, but I believe that marriage is not only the written words, but the ritual itself, which bonds people together.
How did you lose your virginity?
hmmm…… I believe it was Jenna… Sakore Jenna. I had an enormous crush on her when I was a young! She was much older than me, but I loved her so. One day, she approached me to ask if I liked her. Of course, I said yes, and she proposed that we go to her place to do something. I knew what “something” meant, so I obliged. I don’t remember much, but after that, I discovered that she had eloped with one of the other boys from the village the next day. *shrugs* So much for a meaningful first time...
What do you consider you driving forces?
To live. There’s nothing more I can really say.. I live to live and what more of a reason do you need?
What do you consider your ideal man/woman to be?
My ideal man or woman would have a kind personality, be classy, but still a little wild, smart, incredibly sexy, and know how to find meaning in everything. For the physical aspect, both would have gorgeous eyes and hair, for a man, he’d be lean and well built, and for a woman, she’d be sleek, graceful, and feminine, but still have some masculine qualities
What makes you happy?
The sun and moon, good jokes, and being with loved ones
What makes you sad?
When people I love get hurt
What makes you angry?
Rape. I can’t stand for it. It’s one of the most horrible things a person could possibly to do someone! I know; it nearly destroyed my mother...
Me: Your mother was raped?!
Kenkatsu: Yes
Me: Why didn’t you bring it up before when I asked that question about your parents?
Kenkatsu: *shrugs* You only asked who my parents were. You never asked what happened to them.
Me: Well, I’m asking now! Is she alright?
Kenkatsu: She’s passed away, but she did survive the attack, even though it horribly scared her, emotionally, for the rest of her life
Me: I can imagine… What happened?
Kenkatsu: Our village was attacked by a group of bandits, who ended up taking over everything. Vern is actually in a rather strategic position, because it’s almost in the exact center of at least four major cities, so not much was destroyed.. The bandits only raped and plundered... *sighs* Help didn’t arrive for a while... It was only when the human city of Crescent Hill figured that they would be safer if the bandits weren’t there, so they drove them away. I was furious when I discovered that.. I haven’t been able to fully accept humans ever since
Me: How horrible…
Kenkatsu: *shrugs* life’s life. I’m not saying that I accept it, or that it’s fair, but it’s life, and when life knees you in the gut, you get right back up and kick it in the head.
Me: Lovely logic ^^;;;;; Shall we move on?
Kenkatsu: Yes, please
How do you control your anger?
I just let most things slide with fair warning, but if that doesn’t happen, I’ll end up arguing with them. I only start throwing punches, or even spells, as a last resort only
What are you ashamed of?
My mother raised me with the phrase: “be proud of every one of your qualities, even all your faults”
What are you proud of?
I don’t think I can say anything in specific
Do you have any special talents?
I’m pretty good at dancing, archery, and magic
What is your favorite memory?
*thinks about it, then smiles* That, my dear, is a little too personal for me to be telling you… not to mention a little too graphic for what’s allowed though the censors ^^;;;;
Me: oh my…
What is your least favorite memory?
My first boyfriend
When was the last time that you cried?
I… don’t remember
Did you ever do anything on a dare?
Heh, more times than you could imagine… And one of them leading to myself, plus twelve others, being suspended form the Dark Council for almost a full year… ^^;;;;
Me: One of your “strikes?”
Kenkatsu: Yes
Me: What about the other one?
Kenkatsu: That was something completely different
Me: … You’re still not going to tell me, are you?
Kenkatsu: Nope ^_^
What would you do over if you could?
I don’t know, I have no regrets
Do you have a secret and why is it kept that way?
Well, if you really want the truth to come out… My real name is Roger and I’m actually a werecoyote
Me: …. Okay, you’re starting to kind of scare me now...
Kenkatsu: Who, me?
Me: Yes, you!
Kenkatsu: Ohhh, I thought you were talking about the camera man..
Me: huh?
Kenkatsu: ^_^
What makes you envious?
When a lover of mine starts flirting with someone else.. I know most of the time it’s only for fun, and I know I shouldn’t get jealous, but sometimes I just can’t help it
What do you regret?
I have none
What do you have a passion for?
The arts
What do you dream about the most?
Everything and anything.. I don’t dream about one thing in specific
What do you fantasize about?
That’s a rather interesting question to ask...
What really tries your patience?
People not listening when I really need them to listen.
What gives you pleasure?
As much as I’d like to answer that question, I shall politely decline *smiles*
Where do you go for peace and quiet?
To my office after hours, or to my home
How do you relax?
Drink some wine, listen to good music, and read
What do you do for excitement?
If I’m bored, I’ll walk around outside with no place in mind, and usually something happens
What embarrasses you?
Many things, just like everyone else... It all depends on the situation, actually
What would you consider a perfect date?
Go out to eat at a classy restaurant (one that actually serves real food, mind you), then a stroll through a lush park or garden... Or a candle lit dinner. Anything with a classic romantic flare, really
What kind of temperament do you have?
I keep a cool head most of the time, and when I get angry, I can keep that calm voice in the back of my mind. I’ve only been mad a few times, and I don’t like to think about how I act when I’m like that...
What is your opinion of yourself?
*shrugs* I believe I’m alright... I’m not the best man out there, but I’m not horrible, either
Do you have any enemies? Why?
Yes. I’m the leader of the Dark Council, so naturally I have enemies from the Dragon Council. I also have enemies of my own, but those are personal... and a large amount of angry boyfriend who want their girlfriends to stop following me..
Me: you mean like all those fan girls in the audience?
Kenkatsu: Yes ^^;; I don’t know why but they love to follow me.. Like their lovers, I wish they’d leave me alone as well ^^;;;;
What are you compulsive about?
Whenever there’s a new situation which I don’t or fully understand, I will jump headfirst into it and lean on the fly, instead of taking my time to figure it out.
What are you lax about?
Mostly everything. I’m a fairly laid back person
What do you absolutely hate to do?
Staying in one place for too long. I like to wander around
Are you always honest with others?
Are you always honest with yourself?
I hope so...
What is your admitted worse habit?
Well... I have to admit... I’m horrible at directions.. Tell me to go north 6 miles, and I’ll more than likely end up traveling 10 miles Southeast, and I won’t know about it until someone tells me I’ve been going the wrong way the entire time..
What is your best character trait?
I’m not very sure on that question... I’m not outside of myself, so I can’t really answer that without a bias opinion..
Who influenced you most in your life?
My mother, my second boyfriend, Terin, one of my closest friends, Vanessa, and Master Frit, the former leader of the Dark Council who nominated me to be next
How do you feel about money?
I’m not going to say that money isn’t important, and I’m not going to say that it is. There’s always a time and place for money, and a time for none.
Where are you vulnerable?
*smiles* I’m not telling you that
What do you remember most about your childhood?
Playing with my friends
What motto or phrase that you live by?
Many; a few of them I’ve listed during the course of this interview... But if I had to pick only one motto, I must say it’s either “There’s a difference between me and you: I’m me, and you’re you,” or “When life knees you in the gut, stand back up and kick it in the head”
What attracts you most to the person you are attracted to?
Her kind personality. Sure, she can seem rather cruel at time, but she has a wonderful sense of empathy and gentleness that lets you forget all your problems for the time being. She’s very smart, and a great fighter, and is very complex. She can be calm and stable figure who can pull your head from the clouds, then suddenly become a wild and exciting creature who can think of the most exotic places and things to do! And not to mention that she’s sexy as hell... which is always a plus ^_^
Tell me about the day in your life that you will never forget?
The day when my village was attacked.
Me: Oookay, and now we’re down to our last set of questions.
Kenkatsu: Already?
Me: Yeah, it goes by quickly
Kenkatsu: I see..
Me: Well, let’s take a few quick questions about your life, and then we’re done!
Kenkatsu: Alright
What are you ambitions in life?
To be the world’s best bacchius ball player
Me: Really?
Kenkatsu: no
Me: then what is it?
Kenkatsu: More or less, to live and let live, and help out others when I can
What are your values?
Love, trust, family, purity, innocence
What are your Short-term Goals?
Figuring out how to erase that horrible rumor from Eyodius’s name so we can get back together
Any long-term Goals?
Maintaining the Dark Council.. It’s a bit hard to try to control the power of something that large
Me: aaaaand we’re done!
Kenkatsu: Well, that was entertaining
Me: Yep! I really enjoyed having you on the show!
Kenkatsu: No problem, it was a pleasure
Me: Nah, The pleasure is all mine! *shakes his hand*
Kenkatsu: As you wish *smiles and shakes her hand*
Me: *turns to the camera* Well, that’s our show for today! Till next time, I’m Eyo, and goodnight!
Kenkatsu: Well, now that the show’s over, I was wondering if you could you help me find my way home?
Me: Iiii’ll call a taxi ^^;;;
*camera fades to black and credits roll*
And now, pictures! YAY! ^_^
The original character sketch of Kenkatsu!
The Dark Council tattoo colour coded! The actual tattoo is dark brown
Nekky Kenkatsu! Drawn to show his tat ^.^
Kenkatsu with his hair down. He's so purdy!
Kenkatsu looks a bit off in this picture and I can't figure out why, but he's still looks nice ^^
Poor Ken and his purdy hair(Eyo can't style worth CRAP ^.^;;)
More pictures to come! ^_^
Other Interviews: