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This is where I post pictures that my friend Sean drew and I coloured! We make a pretty good team, ne?

A while ago, I asked my friend Sean to draw one of my characters because I thought it'd be interesting to compair our differnt styles relating to one thing. Later, he told me that he thought it was fun, so he asked if he could draw another one of my characters. I adore his style, so I happily obliged, giving him a character sketch of Ande in his war angel form. He drew a badass version of him that makes all my pictures of him look like he's a girlscoutt. -_-;; I liked the picture so much that I ended up colouring it that weekend. On monday at school, I pulled Sean into the computer lab to show him my work. His eyes bugged and he feel to his knees when he saw it, because he was so happy(Not kidding; it was pretty funny)! After I coloured another one of his pictures, he decided that he wanted ME to be his colourist when he eventually gets a comic book contrack!! THAT FLIPPIN ROCKS!!!

*Cough* But anyways, now between work, procrastinating from my homework(bad bad), and my cat constantly fighting for attention(I've knocked him off my chair 4 times since I've been typing this ^^;),I colour Sean's pictures when he asks.


Native Angel
This has got to be my favourite picture I've done for him! It was really fun to colour, I learned a bunch of new techniques, and it was the first time I started using the darken and lighten tool! I'm VERY proud of how you can really feel the distance between his two outstretched hands! And the best part is that it only took me THREE days to complete it!
And look! I made wallpaper! ^__^

Gah! I could have had a new record with this picture! It only took me a day to complete the colouring, and it would have taken me only a day to complete the special effects on it, making a new record of only two days on a picture(and with a bg, no less)! However, I missinterpreted the picture, and for some reason thought that the rocks were floating caused by the guy in the foreground. Sooo, I spent hours isolating many different rocks and putting glow filters and making it look like they were in front of back of each other.. Then I realized it wasn't, and that I had wasted a HUGE amount of time that I didn't need to. Arrrrggggg, I hate that.. -_- But anyways, This is my first picture with fire and glowy things and dynamic shading. I don't think it's that bad for a first try, but there isss a lot of room for improvement. But then again, there always is..

Native Angel-2
Gah! I had both fun and hell colouring this picture.. The outfit was rather confusing, and I had to numerously look back and forth between the character sketch and the picture to decide what was what. The worst part was when I finished colouring part of the pants, and they looked all sad and pathetic, so I textured it. Then after that, I coloured and textured the rest of the pants. And texturing wood is easy, so that was no biggie. However, they stood out so much, that I ended up texturing nearly everything. -_-;; I did a different style of colouring for the grass, mainly because was lazy, but I think it looks nice, and anything more complex would have overweighted. This pic took longer than I expected, but I'm glad it's done. I'm especially proud of the belts. Those were a BITCH to do, but they turned out wonderfully. I'm pleased ^^

Why did I title this one bitch? BECAUSE IT WAS ONE TO COLOUR!!! This is the first time I've coloured a picture with more than two people in it! I had to do a loot of layer planning to make sure that I could get as few layers as possable without much stuff touching. But my gods, was there a lot of stuff! @_@ I like how it turned out though.. Especially the building, even if the cracks do look cheesy. ;p

Angel Archer
Whoo! I like this pic! I tried out some new stuff dealing with night time effects. And yes, that background is entirely hand made (I don't like filters). I'm pleased with the picture as a whole, but like always, there's some stuff which I think I could have done better.. Ah well ^^

Devil Angel
My parents are gone for a week, I wasn't able to go to a comic convention with Sean and some other people, I have no car, everyone I know is busy this week... MY GOD, I'M FRIKKIN BORED!!!!! *DIES* Then I remembered I still had pictures Sean gave me that I haven't coloured yet. Unfortunately, this only took me a day and a half to colour. ~_~; The colours are probably nothing like what Sean wanted, buuuut he's not here, and I can change the colours at any time, so nyeeeeeh XP

Over Did
Huzzah! Finally, NEW STUFF FROM SEAN! And he's gotten a shit load better than when I last saw him! ^_^ I really like this picture, and I used a lot of colouring techniques that I've learned from other pictures. I LOVE how the hair and fur turned out! I'm still not digging the snow storm, however, Sean loves it, so I'm not going to bother with it. Whoo laziness >_>;

Whoo, yey, new pic. I haven't finished this picture in almost two months because after Over Did, I raised the bar for my standards of colouring one of Sean's pictures, so nothing I did ever seemed good enough. Eventually, he called me and just told me to give him something, so here it is. Still nice, but not nearly as much as the previous.. Yeah, I'm hard on myself >_>;

Ooookay, I know this is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy late, and I appologize severely for that. It's odd how I procrastinate so terribly with a tablet in photoshop. Seriously, I did practically all the colouring with a mouse in 2/3 days, but when it came time for the backgrounds and detail work to be done on a tablet, I suddenly wanted to do 50 million other projects. Blar! No more tablets in photoshop, unless nessicary! *stabs self in the head* I hope Sean is able to forgive me for this ;_;

Wooo, new page! New style! Hopefully he'll like it. It's simple quick, and it means that I don't have to kill myself if I have to colour a bunch of pages! Yay!

That's all for now. But stay tuned for updates!

If anyone would like to talk to me about any of these pictures, or for a colouring job, contact me at eyochan@bad-candy.com.

Ja ne! *skitters off*


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All the coloured pictures © 2003 Sean Iredale, and the concept of Ande is a product of the Kuroitenshi saga, © 2003 Amanda Peters.