elcome to my NSFAQ (not so frequently asked questions)! Here, are questions that are often asked, and I hate repeating them several times, soooo here's something EVERYONE can look at! =O

If there are any questions you have that aren't currently here, ask me at eyochan@bad-candy.com

Why is it called the "Not So Frequently Asked Questions" when you answering questions frequently asked?
....... Shush. it's my site, I can do what I want XP

What are your favourite colours?
Purple and black

What colour is your hair?
Dark Brown

How frequently do you change your hair colour?
Not as often as I’d like... Only when I can get someone to do it for me (I’m horrible at it myself -_-;)

Who tall are you?
5’4” I’m short! *SOB*

What is your favourite anime/manga?
One Piece!

What do you use to colour your pictures?
Photoshop 7

How long does it take to colour your pictures?
Anywhere from a few hours to a few days

How long does it take to draw your pictures?
Depending on how complex, anywhere from 10 minutes to almost a week

What is your favourite thing to draw?

I see stuff on your site about a story called “Kuroitenshi.” Is this up anywhere where I can read it?
Not yet. It’s pretty much just a concept and outline right now

When will I be able to read it?
It will be quite a while before I’m able to come up with anything. I’m hoping to, in the future, be able to make a graphic novel from it, but I need to get better at drawings first

How did you come up with the name "Eyodius?"
Eyodius ("Ee-yah-dee-us") was originally spelled as "Eyatius" for a character I made when I was 11. Some years later, I found the name again in an old notebook, and thought it was uber shibby. But when I tried to remember it later on, I ended up mispelling it as "Eyodius," which has stuck ever since

Okay, I've been pronouncing the full name wrong, does that mean that "Eyo" is pronounced "Ee-yah?"
Uhhh, no. That's not how it works.. You see, Even though the "o" is pronounced like an "ah" sound in the full name, when the end is chopped off, the "o" automatically becomes long. It's just naturally easier to roll off the tongue.
So in the end, "Eyo" is pronounced "Ee-yoh"

How often do you update your site?
When I feel like it. For Sean’s page, it’s whenever I finish a picture. For my gallery, the first of every month
As for my main site, "Horray for Crap!," I'm currently working on a new lay out for it, so keep a look out for that in a future

Who’s Sean?
A friend from High School. He draws AMAZING comic book art which I colour for him

Are you pretty?
No, I’m pretty ugly

I’ve seen your picture, and you’re not ugly.
You haven’t seen me in person.

Do you smoke/drink/do drugs?
Nope! None of the above!

Are you a lesbian?
Sorry, only half

What’s the deal with you and pirates?
Well, you see, there are three things which I have and always will be in love with: Ancient Egypt, Greek Mythology, and pirates. When something big dealing with any one of theses is thrust into the spotlight, it will re-spark my interest and I will become near obsessed with it. Because of One Piece and Pirates of the Caribbean, my love is in pirates right now. It will eventually become dormant, until something sparks my interest in it once again.

Are there anymore questions to this faq-dealy?
Nope! ^^ *skips off*