*camera fades in to a girl with bright blush green hair and light yellow bangs, and a man with short blood red hair sitting in chairs on what appears to be a talk show set*
Me: Hello! I’m Eyo and welcome back to my little interview/survey! Here we ask questions and explore into the minds of some of the characters which exist in the Kuroitenshi saga! Today, with us, we have Ande… Ande!
What is your Full Name?
Your Nickname?
What is your Nationality/Race?
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
When are you introduced into the Kuroitenshi story?
Me: Moving on.. Next, we’ll go into a little more detail…
Where were you born?
Tell us about your parents.
Hair and Eye Colour?
Do you have a significant other?
What is your favourite colour?
Do you have any scars or tattoos?
Do you wear jewelry?
What do you wear during the day?
What do you wear at night?
Are you Passive, Assertive, or Aggressive?
And of course, we have to ask: Boxers or Briefs?
Me: And now we move onto some not really important, but interesting none the less questions!
What are some of your pet Peeves?
What Education and Training have you received?
Do you have any allergies?
Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs?
What are your hobbies?
What religion are you?
What’s your favourite flower?
Favorite Book?
What type of sports do you like?
What’s your favorite type of music?
What is your favourite instrument?
What is your favorite possession and why?
What is your favorite kind of entertainment?
Your favorite cartoon?
Favorite Restaurant?
Favorite Foods?
What foods do you dislike?
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Favourite alcoholic drink?
Favorite Season?
Favourite Holiday?
Do you send Christmas Cards?
Do you remember Birthdays?
What time do you usually go to bed?
What time do you usually wake up?
Me: And now we get into the more personal questions. Just remember that you don’t have to answer any of these questions if you don’t want to.
What is your opinion on love and marriage?
How did you lose your virginity?
What do you consider you driving forces?
What do you consider your ideal man/woman to be?
What makes you happy?
What makes you sad?
What makes you angry?
How do you control your anger?
What are you ashamed of?
What are you proud of?
Do you have any special talents?
What is your favorite memory?
What is your least favorite memory?
When was the last time that you cried?
Did you ever do anything on a dare?
What would you do over if you could?
Do you have a secret and why is it kept that way?
What makes you envious?
What do you regret?
What do you have a passion for?
What do you dream about the most?
What do you fantasize about?
What really tries your patience?
What gives you pleasure?
Where do you go for peace and quiet?
How do you relax?
What do you do for excitement?
What embarrasses you?
What would you consider a perfect date?
What kind of temperament do you have?
What is your opinion of yourself?
Do you have any enemies? Why?
What are you compulsive about?
What are you lax about?
What do you absolutely hate to do?
Are you always honest with others?
Are you always honest with yourself?
What is your admitted worse habit?
What is your best character trait?
Who influenced you most in your life?
How do you feel about money?
Where are you vulnerable?
What do you remember most about your childhood?
What motto or phrase that you live by?
What attracts you most to the person you are attracted to?
Tell me about the day in your life that you will never forget?
Me: And now we’re down to our last set of questions.
Me: now… let’s take a few quick questions about your life, and then we’re done!
What are you ambitions in life?
What are your values?
What are your Short-term Goals?
Long-term Goals?
Me: Well, that’s our show for today! Till next time, I’m Eyo, and goodnight!
*camera fades to black and credits roll*